Councillor Peter Brown

Represents the Parish Council on the Neighbourhood Action Group

Councillor Simon Digby

Vice Chairman

Fillingdon Farm Piddington HP14 3BL Represents the Parish Council on…

Hayley Glasgow

Parish Council Clerk

Councillor Tracey Gray

Councillor Alison Pitcher

Chilterns Chipps Hill Wheeler End HP14 3NF  

Councillor Wendy Pitcher

Laurel Farm Bolter End Lane Wheeler End HP14 3NF

Councillor Jason Smith

Beaumont Lodge Wheeler End Common Wheeler End HP14 3NL

Councillor Tom Willett


Denham Farm Bullocks Farm Lane Wheeler End HP14 3NQ Represents…

Councillor Darren Hayday

Buckinghamshire Councillor

Councillor Orsolya Hayday

Buckinghamshire Councillor

Councillor Marcus Angell

Buckinghamshire Councillor